Brown Theoretical Physics Center Director Professor Brad Marston discusses his talk, ““Waves of Topological Origin in the Fluid Earth System and Beyond,” delivered at the Kavli Foundation Special Symposium during the American Physical Society’s March 2023 Meeting. In the video below, Marston describes the broader contexts of his talk, including the surprising connections discovered between quantum physics and Earth’s atmosphere and oceans, and how theoretical physics can facilitate dialogue and exchange in the field of climate science. When asked what role physics can play in the debates on climate science and climate change in the broader public sphere, Professor Marston, who helped start the APS Topical Group on the Physics of Climate, replied, “One way we can contribute is by contributing to greater appreciation of the beauty of the climate system, the amazing ways that it works, so that the public will see it not just as a problem, which is the way it’s usually presented in the media, but that there are so many wonderful aspects to it that deserve our attention.”