
The Brown Theoretical Physics Center (BTPC) is a division of the Physics Department of Brown University.  It is both a research and educational center, a collaborative effort dedicated to creating and invigorating current theoretical based research through cooperative efforts.  These efforts are envisioned to take place in three key spheres:

(a) physics single sub-disciplinary focused activities in the areas of either astrophysics cosmological theory, condensed matter theory, or high energy theory,

(b) physics cross sub-disciplinary focused activities across these areas, or

(c) physics interdisciplinary activities with other disciplines (i.e. biology, engineering, mathematics, etc.).

The goals of BTPC include creating unique and innovative new research results, as well as to provide the professional expertise, training, and opportunities needed to instill in Brown’s students a firm foundation in theoretical physics. By bringing together physicists from all over the world, including two Nobel laureates and a recipient of the National Medal of Science, together with experts from other disciplinary subjects, the BTPC members stand ready to offer their knowledge to the next generation of scientists, Brown’s undergraduate and graduate students, as well as post-doctoral researchers. Research collaboration will expand the frontiers and provide a greater impact on science, as well as showing the beauty, wonder, and excitement of science.

Other related Brown University centers:

Center for Fundamental Physics of the Universe

Center for Fluid Mechanics


Data Science Initiative