Humberto G. Gilmer
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Humberto Gilmer is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Physics at Brown University and an NSF MPS-Ascending Fellow. His research interests lie broadly in Beyond-the-Standard Model physics, with particular attention paid to the intersection between cosmology and high energy physics, including dark matter, inflation, and new theories of gravity. He is also interested in more fundamental questions about the nature of field theory, such as the behavior of strongly-coupled theories or the nature and origin of mass.
Tucker Manton
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Tucker Manton is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Physics at Brown University. His research spans three primary sub-disciplines: modifications to General Relativity, low-energy behavior of string theories with applications to cosmology, and a particular realization of gauge/gravity duality called the double copy. The double copy provides a framework for calculating gravitational observables using simpler gauge theory quantities, and he has recently focused on pioneering new techniques with which to understand external sources in the double copy picture.”
Heliudson Bernardo
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Heliudson Bernardo is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Physics at Brown University. He is a theoretical physicist with experience in theoretical cosmology and high-energy physics. He is primarily interested in fundamental physics and the nature of reality. His research has encompassed quantum gravity, early and late-time cosmology, string theory, condensed matter, and fundamental aspects of quantum fields and physics in curved spacetimes.