Visiting Faculty & Scientists

Past Visitors



Roger Andrews

Visiting Scholar

Dr. Andrews visited the BTPC from the University of Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies, where he is a Lecturer in Physics.




Samuel Van Leuven

Visiting Scholar

Dr. Van Leuven visited the BTPC from University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, where he is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow.



Geoffrey Beck

Visiting Scholar

Dr. Beck visited the BTPC from University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, where he is a Senior Lecturer in Physics.


João A. P. Rodrigues

Visiting Scholar

Professor Rodrigues visited the BTPC from the University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, where he is the Director of the Mandelstam Institute for Theoretical Physics.




Jeff Oishi

Visiting Faculty & Scientist


Professor Oishi visited us for a year (on sabbatical from Bates College) and gave a series of talks on computational fluid dynamics supported by the Houghton Endowment.


Haijin Cao

Visiting Faculty & Scientist


Haijin Cao is a lecturer at Hohai University in Nanjing. He is on an extended visit during 2019-2020 working on submesocale and wave dynamics using spectral methods.




Jijai Dong

Visiting Scientist in Earth, Environmental, & Planetary Sciences


Jijai Dong is a visiting scholar from China. His research focuses on the oceanic submesocale dynamics, mainly about the generation of submesocale processes and the contribution to the ocean heat and substance transport.



Glenn Flierl

Visiting Faculty


Glenn Flierl is a visiting faculty member from MIT. He is an oceanographer concerned with the theory of geophysical vortices and jets. His interests include modeling the physics, chemistry, and biology of strongly nonlinear ocean eddies and meandering jets, such as the Gulf Stream, which meander around their average paths with wave-like features having many different scales and periods, with resulting nonlinearities playing a significant role in the dynamics.


Kevin Iga

Visiting Scientist (Research)


Kevin Iga is a mathematician, working in mathematical physics.  His primary work is with Adinkras, which are diagrams used to describe supersymmetry, an idea in particle physics.  The mathematics of Adinkras involves error correcting codes, cohomology, partially ordered sets, Riemann surfaces, and Clifford algebras.